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Quantum Communications Workshop – Portugal QCI

Published on 28 February, 2024

QUARTER members fragmentiX, Quside, and LuxQuanta attended the Quantum Communications Network Workshop in Portugal as part of the PTQCI project. The companies shared the stage in a technical panel discussion.

Aveiro, Portugal. February 26 to 27—The University of Aveiro hosted the “Quantum Communications Network Workshop” organized by the Quantum Communications Group of the Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes. The event is part of the Portugal Quantum Communication Infrastructure (PTQCI) Initiative, which aims to deploy the national QKD backbone in Portugal as part of the EuroQCI project.

Portugal Quantum Communication Infrastructure (PTQCI)

The two-day event gathered national and international key companies and institutions in the Quantum Technologies field to discuss the implementation of the Quantum Communication Network in its national and global deployments.

On the first day, the agenda focused on introducing the project and its implications at teh institutional level, with contributions from institutional and research centres in Portugal. In addition, a panel discussion on the national Initiatives gathered representatives from Portugal, Spain, Luxemburg, Austria, Greece, Brazil and Romania. 

Sebastian Etcheverry (LuxQuanta), next to Domenico Tulli (Quside), at the technical panel discussions with QUARTER members and other technical representants.

QUARTER at Panel Discussions

In contrast, the second day was highly marked by technical panel discussions.

QUARTER members fragmentiX, Quside and LuxQuanta presented their perspectives, technology advancements and future projects within the audience to later engage in a common discussion. As part of the presentations, panellists made a strong highlight the crucial role that the European Union has in the proper development of the technologies’ maturity, thanks to DIGITAL projects like QUARTER.

Domenico Tulli, from Quside, presenting Quside innovations and QUARTER involvement in from of the audience.

The panel discussion was formed by.

Moderator: Nuno Silva


Cristoph Pacher, from fragmentiX, presenting Secret Sharing & Trusted Nodes in QKD Networks. 

National events like the pTQCI Quantum Communication Networks Workshop provide the required networking and sharing of ideas within the ecosystem to further stimulate developments and deployments for the EuroQCI project.

Written by Sergi Vizcaino

Strategy & Outreach Manager at LuxQuanta