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QUARTER at Quside Showcase Day

Published on 05 May, 2023

Quside, an active QUARTER member that offers advanced randomness solutions, held its Quside Showcase Day for partners and customers today, where the QUARTER project was presented.


Quside is one of the leading European Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs) manufacturers, with a consolidated industry presence and commercial product portfolio. Its solutions are critical for high-performance computing markets and vital for Quantum Key Distribution and cryptographic technologies.

The Showcase Day was intended to present the new advancements and characteristics of Quside’s product portfolio to partners and customers while sharing the latest news at the company level. In its first edition, Quside announced important news about its Randomness Processing Unit (RPU), which will be available to the cloud in the coming weeks.

The event for partners hosted more than 40 companies and 15 speakers of leading companies in the industry, including EY, Telefónica, Juniper, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Qrypt and LuxQuanta. The latter one, the leader of the QUARTER consortium, took the opportunity to share information about the project with the audience and disseminate the work that LuxQuanta, Quside, and the also present member Telefónica are actively doing as part of the European project.

Vanesa Díaz, CEO of LuxQuanta, presenting the QUARTER project and consortium at the Quside Showcase Day.

Although thought for customers and partners, the event addressed the main trends and challenges in the transition to quantum-resistant quantum cryptography and hardware acceleration of complex computations, gathering key players, top voices, and thought leaders of the Quantum and cyber security community.


Carlos Abellán, co-founder and CEO of Quside, opened the Quside Showcase Day by analyzing the industry’s present and future. During his speech, he studied the current challenges in the market, emphasizing the threat posed by quantum computers to our current cryptography while discussing the industry’s adaptations to address them.

Attendees of the Showcase Day.

In addition to Quside’s product presentation, more than 15 speakers and expert voices from renowned companies in multiple related sectors shared their insights and success stories. They made an effort to highlight the importance of quantum technologies across all industries.

As a remark of the day, the panel “Enterprise adoption of quantum technologies,” with the participation of Kevin Chalker, CEO at Qrypt, and Ulises Arranz, quantum computing consultant at Ernst & Young, discussed which countries are more advanced in quantum technologies and analyzed the industry’s regulation, the markets that are adapting better, and the added value in the fields of cybersecurity and process automation.

As part of that, the European Commission’s role initiatives, like QUARTER, play a critical role in easing the further development of Quantum and its related technologies to make the transition smoother. QUARTER gathers vital players in the industry to advance the maturity level of Quantum Technologies, like QKD and QRNG, and its related technologies, such as encryptors, KMS, and lasers.

Thanks to the efforts of the EC, the European nations have more access to quantum technologies, especially starting to deploy a backbone of communications links protected by Quantum Key Distribution (EuroQCI). 

“Quantum technology is demonstrating its high impact in different sectors, so we have enhanced the characteristics of our products RPU and QRNG to continue competing at the highest level in this cutting-edge industry”

Carlos Abellan

CEO & Co-Founder, Quside

“The quantum transition has accelerated significantly since last year, especially after the National Security Memorandum approved by Joe Biden’s administration, which requires all government agencies to publish their roadmap on quantum-resistant cryptography to be implemented in the short term.

The market is waking up and starting to become aware of the positive impact of quantum technology, especially in government agencies and also in regulated industries, financial services, telecommunications, life sciences or oil, water, power and gas related infrastructures.”

Kevin Chalker

CEO & Founder, Qrypt


During Quside Showcase Day, new features of Quside’s products were unveiled, including a speed increase in the QRNG product range, reaching a rate of 1 gigabit per second, the availability of the RPU on Amazon Web Services, thus facilitating adoption in the corporate sector, and the presentation of a new chip for low power consumption and high scalability applications, of which the company will release more details during 2023.

Carlos Abellan, founder & CEO of Quside, presenting the event. 

Written by Sergi Vizcaino

Strategy & Outreach Manager at LuxQuanta